Standing strong through

Rain and Floods

In the midst of ongoing rain, floods, and the alarming spread of malaria due to mosquito breeding in Kakuma Refugee Camp, it is crucial for the LGBTQ community, to come together and contribute donations to support their fellow queers in need.


First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all members of the LGBTQ community for their unwavering support for LGBTQ individuals at Kakuma Block 8. Your solidarity and compassion have been instrumental in fostering a sense of belonging and hope for those who have faced immense challenges due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.


Kakuma Refugee Camp, located in northwestern Kenya, is home to thousands of displaced individuals, including a significant LGBTQ population. While the camp provides a safe haven for many, recent heavy rains have led to devastating floods, exacerbating the already precarious living conditions. The flooding has not only destroyed shelters and belongings but has also created breeding grounds for mosquitoes, leading to a surge in malaria cases among residents, including LGBTQ individuals.


In such dire circumstances, it is imperative that we stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ brothers and sisters in Kakuma. By contributing donations, whether monetary or in-kind, we can provide much-needed assistance to those most affected by the flooding and the outbreak of malaria. These donations can go towards emergency relief efforts, including the distribution of mosquito nets, medical supplies, clean water, and food provisions.


Moreover, supporting LGBTQ individuals in Kakuma goes beyond addressing immediate needs; it is about affirming their dignity, rights, and resilience in the face of adversity. Many LGBTQ individuals in refugee camps like Kakuma face discrimination, violence, and social exclusion, making it even more challenging for them to access essential services and support.


By coming together as a community, we can send a powerful message of solidarity and support to LGBTQ individuals in Kakuma, letting them know that they are not alone in their struggles. Our collective action can make a tangible difference in improving their quality of life and ensuring that they receive the assistance and protection they deserve.


Additionally, contributing to the relief efforts in Kakuma is not just an act of charity but also a reflection of our shared values of empathy, inclusion, and justice. As members of the LGBTQ community, we understand the importance of standing up for one another and advocating for the rights and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


In conclusion, I urge all LGBTQ individuals and allies to join hands in supporting queers in Kakuma Refugee Camp. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and demonstrate our commitment to creating a world where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can live with dignity, safety, and equality.